Equipment Augments

Custom NosByte Feature!

What are Augments?

  • Augments are extra stats applied to your equipment that enhances your character further.

Types of Augments

  • There are two kinds of Augments that can be in an equipment.

    • A4 Augments

    • A8 [Dragon's Augment] / A9 [Undercity Augment]

A8 and A9 Augments are innate to c80 and c90 equipments respectively.

A4 Augments

Where can I add A4 Augments to my equipments?

You can add A4 Augment to your equipment by talking to Rudin Albisco in Act 4 Map (Channel 51) , then select About Augments dialogue to pull up the Options Selector window.

What materials do I need to add an A4 Augment to my equipments?

What A4 Augment Options can I add to my equipments?

Main Weapon:

  • Damage in PvE II is increase: 20%

  • % to Damage in PVP: 15%

  • Leech HP from your target on a successful hit: 250

Secondary Weapon:

  • Reduces opponent's resistances by: 10%

  • % to Defense in PVP: 15%

  • Reduce the chance of all negative effects: 20%


  • Movement speed increased by: 2

  • Chance for doubling a raid box: 10%

  • All cooldowns are reduced by: 10%

You can only choose 1 A4 Augment option per equipment. So choose wisely!

You will not be able to TRADE or SELL the equipment once it contains an A4 augment!

Can I remove my A4 Augments on an A4-augmented equipment?

  • Yes, you can! By talking again to Rudin Albisco in Act 4 Map (Channel 51) , then select "About Augments" dialogue to pull up the Options Selector window.

What do I get after removing A4 Augments?

  • Once an A4 Augment is removed from an equipment, you get a partial refund in a form of A4 coins from all 4 A4 Raids.

  • Sell and Trade restriction is uplifted.

A8 & A9 Augments

  • A8 and A9 Augments are built into c80 and c90 equipments and grow based on your exploit stats.

  • A8 and A9 Equipments have these augments automatically and can still receive an A4 Augment.

  • These augments differ by equipment part and vary between PvE and PvP versions.

Since A8 / A9 Augment's growth is tied to your exploit stats, the augment's growth will not carry over when equipment is used or traded to other players.

A8 Augments


Start Value: 5% Max Value: 20%

Gain +1% for every 10,000 monster kills

Start Value: 5% Max Value: 20%

Gain +1% for every 20 Arena of Talents Wins

Start Value: 1% Max Value: 10%

Gain +1% for every 25 Act 4 Raids

Start Value: 2500 Max Value: 10000

Gain +500 for every 3 Caligor Raid Wins

Start Value: 5% Max Value: 20%

Gain +1% for every 100 Act 8 Raids

Start Value: 5% Max Value: 20%

Gain +1% for every 10 Rainbow Battle Wins

A9 Augments


Start Value: 5% Max Value: 25%

Gain +1% for every 10,000 A9 monster kills

Start Value: 5% Max Value: 25%

Gain +1% for every 10 Arena of Masters Participations

Start Value: 2% Max Value: 15%

Gain +1% for every 100 Act 9 Raids

Start Value: 2500 Max Value: 10000

Gain +500 for every 10 Points on Arena of Masters

Start Value: 5% Max Value: 25%

Gain +1% for every 6 Finished Underground Mayhem Attempts

Start Value: 5% Max Value: 20%

Gain +1% for every 5 Juggernaut Participations

Last updated