Testing Ground
Custom NosByte Feature!
Last updated
Custom NosByte Feature!
Last updated
From now on, the poor Danders in NosVille won't have to suffer anymore! In the Testing Ground you can test your damage in Solo Mode or with your Group on all raid bosses from ACT6 to ACT9 and monster dummies from all elements!
Currently, there are two ways to enter the Testing Ground:
1.) Titus Trip NPC is located in NosVille. You have to talk to him, then click on the field Testing Grounds dialogue and accept the request.
Entering Testing Grounds is free!
2.) The more convenient way to enter is by pressing Skills "K" > under Motion tab > double-click Time Circle > Select Enter the Testing Grounds for 2 Hours! dialogue then accept the request.
Neutral/Fire/Water/Light/Dark Training Stake
Elite Neutral/Fire/Water/Light/Dark Training Stake
Witch Laurena
Incomplete Fernon
Twisted Spirit King Kirollas
Twisted Beast King Carno
Demon God Belial
Evil Overlord Paimon
Ice Dragon Alzanor
Zombie Dragon Valehir
Dragon Lord Asgobas
Giant Arma
Moss Giant Pollutus
Ultimate Giant Arma (coming soon!)
At Testing Grounds Buff Peng you can choose from the following options:
Buff Pengs Blessing I
Buff Pengs Blessing II
Sound Flower's Blessing
Sound Flower's Fever
You can choose two different tattoos from all of the 4 loa categories. You can also choose the Tattoo's level from +1 up to +9.
You can check the list below for more information about each Tattoo's description:
There are a few more options you can choose from: