Winter Event 2024

NOTE: Please don't forget to prepare Pyjama SP for Snowman raid!


Snow Fairy

Snow fairy exchange

At Snow Fairy NPC you can exchange following items:

20x Chocolate Cake for 1x Maru's Raid Seal

200x Chocolate Cake for 10x Maru's Raid Seal

20x Cream Cake for 1x Snowman's Raid Seal

200x Cream Cake for 10x Snowman's Raid Seal

You can obtain both cakes as drop from any monsters in the game!

Snow fairy daily quests

There are six total daily quests available at Snow Fairy NPC:

Maru's Daily Quest:

  • Complete 5x Maru the Millenial Tiger raid

  • Complete 10x Maru the Millenial Tiger raid

  • Complete 15x Maru the Millenial Tiger raid


15x Maru's Scarf (for each) - Exchangable for variety of items at Santa Claus NPC

Snowman's Daily quest:

  • Complete 5x Huge Snowman raid,

  • Complete 10x Huge Snowman raid,

  • Complete 15x Huge Snowman raid


15x Snowman's Hat (for each) - Exchangable for variety of items at Santa Claus NPC

Santa Claus

Santa Claus exchange

At Santa Claus NPC you can obtain exclusieve items for variety of materials, these includes:


At Aegir NPC there are two available dialogue options:

  • Aegir's Memories - Special quest that will reward you with Aegir's PSP

  • Enter Aegir's Memories - These are three timespaces, each with different difficulty level, that involves protecting Aegir at all cost


At Barni NPC there are two available dialogue options:

  • Barni' Memories - Special quest that will reward you with Barni' PSP

  • Enter Barni's Memories - These are three timespaces, each with different difficulty level, that involves hunting all the monsters and killing special boss


At Freya NPC there are two available dialogue options:

  • Freya' Memories - Special quest that will reward you with Freya's PSP

  • Enter Freya's Memories - These are three timespaces, each with different difficulty level, that involves hunting all the monsters and killing special boss

Ice Wolf Evolve

From Snowfight event box, you can obtain special pet called "Ice wolf":

Then, using special item:

You can evolve Ice Wolf, there are 2 stages of evolution:

  1. Frost wolf:

  2. Blizzard Wolf:

Last updated