NosByte Complete Guide

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Custom features

Buff Peng

On NosByte, you don't have to worry about your buffs!

They are accessible for you whenever you need.

You can get them from a special npc:

Or by pressing "K" on keyboard, then "Raid managment":

And then "Buff me!"

You can find complete buff list here.

Home System

It is a feature, that allows you to create up to 10 homes.

You can add them via Home Manager, which you can find right next to the minimap in right upper corner:

After pressing that button, "Home Manager" will appear, that allows you to view, create, teleport to and delete homes.

Pressing "New home" will add home point on the exact place where you are standing at the moment.

You can also set custom home names, or even add few homes on the same map via command:

$SetHome home_name

You can find full list of commands by via: $help home

Rift System

Rift system is another custom mechanic, that allows you to join your own "version" of certain maps.

You won't have to worry about finding spot for exp or drop, and also you recieve special 50% exp bonus while in rift.

Mobs there are much faster, has much greater agro range, and also never losing agro, which makes the whole experience much smoother.

You can join rifts via special statue:

You can join both alone or as party. In addition, there is no experience penalty for mobbing as a group!

Raider Amulet

Raider amulet is a special type of amulet, that you can craft out of items gained while doing certain raids.

Each act has it's own, stronger than previous amulet, that you can obtain by crafting at certain act's NPCs:

Act 1-5: Coin collector in Nosville

Act 6: Material Conversion in Cylloan

Act 7: Mysterious Trader in Olorun's Village

Act 8: Exchange & Main quest in Dragonveil

Raid Managment

Raid Managment is another feature available on NosByte. It is accessible via pressing "K" on keyboard, then raid managment:

It includes few key features:

  • Raid warps managment - Allows you to warp to each raid's entrance,

  • Box info - Allows you to view content of each raidbox. Simply drag and drop it to the popup window.

  • Marathon mode - Allows you to enter "Marathon mode" which will make your raid group automatically join the raid while activating seal.

Level rewards

For achieving certain level milestones, you will be rewarded with new items that include: equipment, resistances, potions, specialist cards and many other useful stuff that will help you with your journey.

You will recieve special boxes containing those rewards on given levels:

  • Level 20,

  • Level 30,

  • Level 36,

  • Level 45,

  • Level 55,

  • Level 63,

  • Level 75,

  • Level 85,

  • Level 90,

  • Level 99,

  • Hero Level 5,

  • Hero Level 30,

  • Hero Level 50,

  • Hero Level 60

Frozen Crown Conqueror Title

Frozen Crown Conqueror is a special title that you can obtain by unlocking four titles:

After unlocking all four of those titles, you get the following title:

Custom Hero Equipment

NOTE: Recipes for all classes are exactly the same.

On NosByte you receieve custom hero equipment on levels: 5, 30 and 50.

However, you can obtain custom C55 and C60 equipment by producing it from certain recipes.


You can craft this equipment from recipe that you can obtain by completing A7.1 questline.

The recipe includes C50 equipment and some mats that can be found on A7 (Please check A7.1 daily/weekly hunt quest section)


You can craft this equipment from recipe that you can exchange at Mysterious Trader NPC in Olorun's Village:

The recipe includes C55 equipment and some mats that can be found on A7 (Please check A7.1 daily/weekly hunt and raid quest section)

Custom fairies

On NosByte there are custom fairies that you can obtain throughout your journey.

There are few types of fairies:

  1. Divine fairies:

These are the weekest fairies, they grow up to 80% and don't have any special bonusses. They are also used as a material to craft stronger fairies. Can be obtained on Fafnir, Zenas, Erenia raids, A4 raids etc.

  1. Erenia/Zenas Fairies

These fairies can be crafted through Awakened Zenas/Erenia egg. They are divided into two types: PvE and PvP, each having special bonusses.

You can obtain Zenas/Erenia eggs through crafting at Priest of Transformation NPC in cylloan:

  1. Fernon/Ancelloan fairies

These fairies can be crafted through Awakened Fernon egg. They are divided into two types: PvE (Ancelloan) and PvP (Fernon), each having special bonusses.

NOTE: You need both Erenia and Zenas of same type (PvE/PvP) to craft those fairies.

  1. Dragon Fairies

These are the fairies that can be crafted on A8 through Drakara NPC in Dragonveil:

NOTE: You need both Fernon and Erenia of same type (PvE/PvP) to craft those fairies.

Also, you need scale essences that can be obtained from minibosses on Land of Life or Asgobas Instant Combat.


Experience Boosts

Below you can find list of all available experience boosters, along with how to get them:

  • Ancelloan's blessing - +100% exp - NosByte useful shop in Nosville / Level rewards

  • Experience potions - +20% exp - Level rewards / Low level raids

  • Tree rune - +20% exp - Rainbow battle / Mimic in Nosville / Level rewards

  • Tree rune (rare) - +40% exp - Rainbow battle / Level rewards

  • Illusionistng weaponskin - +10% exp - Weekly rotation,

  • Venus PSP / Yuna PSP - +20% exp - Weekly rotation,

  • Amora PSP - +25% exp - Weekly rotation,

  • Kirollas pet - +10% exp - Weekly rotation

  • Nosville Rookie Title - +15% exp - Wreating character,

  • Protector of Peace Title - +20% exp - Finishing Act 5 questline,

  • Orc Saviour Title - +30% exp - Finishing Act 7 questline,

  • Olorun's Hero Title - +50% exp - Finishing Act 7.2 questline,

  • Rift - +50% exp - Joining dimension rift

Level 1-99

Best way to advance from 1 level to level 99 is by doing the main quests.

Main plot had been adjusted to make the whole experience much smoother, here is a brief look on changes made:

  • All timespaces were removed,

  • Some quests were cut off, some adjusted,

  • Most of items necessary for quests, you will gain from previous quests,

  • Whole act 3, 4 and 5.1 had been skipped.

First main quest (Act 1-2) you'll receive immediatelly after creating you character.

Second main quest (Act 3) you'll receive from Koaren Chief:

(Nosville -> Teleportation tower -> Western mount krem -> Chief's Cave)

(Min. Level req.: 70)

Third main quest (Act 5.2) you'll receive from Priestess Serizard:

(Nosville -> Teleportation tower -> Volcano's gate)

(Min. Level req.: 90)


NOTE: From now on you can start A6.1 quest line. You can get the quest from Crusader Graham NPC in Cylloan.

Best place to advance from C1 level to C30 level is Hell's ruin 2 Rift: (Nosville -> Cylloan -> Hell's gate 1 -> Hell's ruins 1 -> Hell's ruin 2).

About drop, these are the things that are worth your attention:


NOTE: From now on you can start A6.2 quest line. You can get the quest from Airship Captain NPC in Cylloan.

Best place to advance from C30 level to C50 level is Ancelloan's Will 5 Rift

(Nosville -> Cylloan -> Ancelloan's will 3 -> Ancelloan's will 1 -> Ancelloan's will 5).

About drop, these are the things that are worth your attention:


NOTE: From now on you can start A7 quest line. You can get the quest from Propga NPC in Port Alveus Square.

Best place to advance from C50 level to C60 level is Beast's Lair Rift:

(Olorun Village -> Olorun Farm -> Beast's Lair).

About drop, these are the things that are worth your attention:


NOTE: From now on you can start A8 quest line. You can get the quest from President Alesio NPC in Dragonveil .

Best place to advance from C60 level to C80 level is Northern Skytrail Rift:

(Dragonveil -> Northern Skytrail).

About drop, these are the things that are worth your attention:


NOTE: Please be aware, that these are our recommendations of overall stuff you should be wearing for PvE. However, recommendations does not necessarily mean it is the best stuff possible. Overall meta might differ in future

Daily/Weekly quests

Act 1-5.2

Protection Templates Quests

There are five daily quests that you can obtain from a Protector NPC in right upper corner of Nosville.

Those quests involve doing certain amount of different raids.

As a reward, you can obtain special items called Protection Templates:

Act 6.1-6.2

Act 6.1 Daily/Weekly Quests

There is a total of 6 daily and 6 weekly quests on A6.1:

  1. Hell daily/weekly huting quests:

You can get those quests from Eligos NPC on top of Cylloan:

The quest involves killing certain amount of mobs on hell side of cylloan. As a reward you can obtain items called "Demonic Essence":

  1. Heaven daily/weekly hunting quests:

You can get those quests from Panuel NPC at the bottom right corner of Cylloan:

These quests involves killing certain amount of mobs on heaven side of Cylloan. As a reward you can obtain items called "Goddess essence"

  1. Erenia's Daily/Weekly raids quests:

You can get those quests from Crusader Graham in the middle of cylloan:

These quests involve completing certain amount of Erenia's raid. As a reward you can obtain Sealed Hellord Resistances:

  1. Zenas' Daily/Weekly raids quests:

You can get those quests from Crusader Graham in the middle of cylloan:

These quests involve completing certain amount of Zenas' raid. As a reward you can obtain Sealed Heavenly Resistances:

Act 6.2 Daily/Weekly Quests

There is a total of 2 daily and 2 weekly quests on A6.2:

  1. Ancelloan's Will Daily/weekly hunting quests:

You can get those quests from Airship Captain NPC in right upper corner of cylloan:

These quests involve killing certain amount of mobs on Ancelloan's Will. As a reward you can obtain Goddess, Demonic and Chaos essences:

  1. Fernon's daily/weekly raid quests:

You can get those quests from Airship Captain NPC in right upper corner of cylloan:

These quests involve completing certain amount of Fernon's raid. As a reward you can obtain Fernon's Resistances:

Act 7.1

Clearing The Path (Hunting quest) Daily/Weekly

Clearing the path is a hunting quest that involves killing certain amount of mobs.

You can accept this quest from Orc Guardsman NPC in Olorun Village:

The mobs needed for that quest can be found in:

Olorun Village -> Polluted Path (Rift)

For completion you will obtain following rewards:

Forest Cleaning (Hunting quest) Daily/Weekly

Forest Cleaning is a hunting quest that involves killing certain amount of mobs.

You can accept this quest from Orc Guardsman NPC in Olorun Village:

The mobs needed for that quest can be found in:

Olorun Village -> Olorun Farm -> Spirit forest edge -> Spirit forest (Rift)

For completion you will obtain following rewards:

Devilish Creatures (Hunting quest) Daily/Weekly

Devilish Creatures is a hunting quest that involves killing certain amount of mobs.

You can accept this quest from Orc Guardsman NPC in Olorun Village:

The mobs needed for that quest can be found in:

Olorun Village -> Olorun farm -> Beast's Lair (Rift)

For completion you will obtain following rewards:

Spire Labyrinth/Endless Spire Labyrinth (Hunting quest) Daily/Weekly

Spire Labyrinth/Endless Spire Labyrinth are hunting quests that involves killing certain amount of mobs.

You can accept this quest from Orc Guardsman NPC in Olorun Village:

The mobs needed for that quest can be found in:

Olorun Village -> Polluted Path -> Polluted Forest -> Celestial Spire 1 (Rift)

For completion you will obtain following rewards:

Spiritual Adventure/Vanqushing Kirollas (Raid quest) Daily/Weekly

Spiritual Adventure/Vanqushing Kirollas are raid quests that involves completing certain amount of Kirollas Raid.

You can accept these quests from Orc Guardsman NPC in Olorun Village:

NOTE: For completion of each raid, you get 1x of Raid Soul. These souls can be exchange for items/titles in Olorun Village. To complete weekly raid quest, you have to deliver certain amount of those souls to NPC. Therefore you don't need to carry weekly quest with you. You can just accept it whenever you get enough souls.

For completion you will obtain following rewards:

Round 2 Against the Beast King/Vanqushing Carno (Raid quest) Daily/Weekly

Round 2 Against the Beast King/Vanqushing Carno are raid quests that involves completing certain amount of Carno Raid.

You can accept these quests from Orc Guardsman NPC in Olorun Village:

NOTE: For completion of each raid, you get 1x of Raid Soul. These souls can be exchange for items/titles in Olorun Village. To complete weekly raid quest, you have to deliver certain amount of those souls to NPC. Therefore you don't need to carry weekly quest with you. You can just accept it whenever you get enough souls.

For completion you will obtain following rewards:

Wrath of the Demon God/Vanqushing Belial (Raid quest) Daily/Weekly

Wrath of the Demon God/Vanqushing Belial are raid quests that involves completing certain amount of Belial Raid.

You can accept these quests from Orc Guardsman NPC in Olorun Village:

NOTE: For completion of each raid, you get 1x of Raid Soul. These souls can be exchange for items/titles in Olorun Village. To complete weekly raid quest, you have to deliver certain amount of those souls to NPC. Therefore you don't need to carry weekly quest with you. You can just accept it whenever you get enough souls.

For completion you will obtain following rewards:

Paimon Hunt part 1/Universal Destruction (Raid quest) Daily/Weekly

Paimon Hunt part 1/Universal Destruction are raid quests that involves completing certain amount of Paimon Raid.

You can accept these quests from Orc Guardsman NPC in Olorun Village:

NOTE: For completion of each raid, you get 1x of Raid Soul. These souls can be exchange for items/titles in Olorun Village. To complete weekly raid quest, you have to deliver certain amount of those souls to NPC. Therefore you don't need to carry weekly quest with you. You can just accept it whenever you get enough souls.

For completion you will obtain following rewards:

Gathering Forces (Raid Quest) Daily

Gathering Forces is a daily raid quest that involves completing certain amount of Paimon Raid.

You can accept this quest from Orc Guardsman NPC in Olorun Village:

For completion you will obtain following rewards:

Act 7.2

The End Of The Revenant (Raid Quest) Daily

The end of the Recenant is a daily raid quest that involves completing certain amount of Revenant Paimon Raid.

NOTE: To attend Revenant Paimon raid, you must first complete A7.2 questline.

You can accept this quest from Orc Guardsman NPC in Olorun Village:

For completion you will obtain following rewards:

Act 8

Defending The City (Hunting Quest) Daily/Deekly

Defending the City are hunting quests that involves killing certain amount of mobs.

You can accept this quest from Draconian Elite Soldier / Draconian Warrior Princess in Dragonveil:

The mobs needed for that quest can be found in:

Dragonveil -> Northern Skytrail (Rift)

For completion you will obtain following rewards:

Conquering The Volcano (Hunting Quest) Daily/Weekly

Conquering the Volcano are hunting quests that involves killing certain amount of mobs.

You can accept this quest from Draconian Elite Soldier / Draconian Warrior Princess in Dragonveil:

The mobs needed for that quest can be found in:

Dragonveil -> Western Skytrail -> Gorge Path 1 (Rift)

For completion you will obtain following rewards:

Frosty Exploration (Hunting Quest) Daily/Weekly

Forsty Exploration are hunting quests that involves killing certain amount of mobs.

You can accept this quest from Draconian Elite Soldier / Draconian Warrior Princess in Dragonveil:

The mobs needed for that quest can be found in:

Dragonveil -> Eastern Skytrail -> Frozen Lake (Rift)

For completion you will obtain following rewards:

Defeating The Horde (Hunting Quest) Daily/Weekly

Defeating The Horde are hunting quests that involves killing certain amount of mobs.

You can accept this quest from Draconian Elite Soldier / Draconian Warrior Princess in Dragonveil:

The mobs needed for that quest can be found in:

Dragonveil -> Northern Skytrail -> A. Dragon's Lair (Rift)

For completion you will obtain following rewards:

A Volcano Rises (Raid Quest) Daily/Weekly

A volcano Rises are raid quests that involves completing Asgobas raid certain times.

You can accept this quest from Draconian Elite Soldier / Draconian Warrior Princess in Dragonveil:

NOTE: For completion of each raid, you get 1x of Raid Horn. These horns can be exchanged for items/titles in Dragonveil. To complete weekly raid quest, you have to deliver certain amount of those souls to NPC. Therefore you don't need to carry weekly quest with you. You can just accept it whenever you get enough souls.

For completion you will obtain following rewards:

Shining Blue Eyes (Raid Quest) Daily/Weekly

Shining Blue Eyes are raid quests that involves completing Alzanor raid certain times.

You can accept this quest from Draconian Elite Soldier / Draconian Warrior Princess in Dragonveil:

NOTE: For completion of each raid, you get 1x of Raid Horn. These horns can be exchanged for items/titles in Dragonveil. To complete weekly raid quest, you have to deliver certain amount of those souls to NPC. Therefore you don't need to carry weekly quest with you. You can just accept it whenever you get enough souls.

For completion you will obtain following rewards:

Avenge The Dragonrider (Raid Quest) Daily/Weekly

Avenge the Dragonrider are raid quests that involves completing Valehir raid certain times.

You can accept this quest from Draconian Elite Soldier / Draconian Warrior Princess in Dragonveil:

NOTE: For completion of each raid, you get 1x of Raid Horn. These horns can be exchanged for items/titles in Dragonveil. To complete weekly raid quest, you have to deliver certain amount of those souls to NPC. Therefore you don't need to carry weekly quest with you. You can just accept it whenever you get enough souls.

For completion you will obtain following rewards:

City Under Attack (Scheduled Event Quest) Daily/Weekly

City Under Attack are Asgobas Instant Combat quests that involves completing Asgobas Instant Combat certain times.

You can accept this quest from Draconian Elite Soldier / Draconian Warrior Princess in Dragonveil:

For completion you will obtain following rewards:

Last updated