Errors & Disconnects

NosByte supported on Windows 10 and Windows 11. If you are using another operating system, NosByte will probably not work.

If you got errors or disconnects like this:

Find NosByte.dll file and NosByteGame path

Here is the default path for the NosByte folder & NosByte.dll:

Change the value of <YOUR_USERNAME> into your PC Username


If you installed the game in a different path, use that.

Click me to find your Game path.mp4

Add exclusion to Windows Security

Windows 10

  1. Go to Start > Settings > Update & Security > Windows Security > Virus & threat protection.

  2. Virus & threat protection settings > select Manage settings > then under Exclusions > select Add or remove exclusions.

  3. Add an exclusion > File > Choose NosByte.dll

  4. Add an exclusion > Folder > Choose the whole NosByte folder

Windows 11

  1. Select Start , then open Settings . Under Privacy & security , select Virus & threat protection.

  2. Virus & threat protection settings > select Manage settings > then under Exclusions > select Add or remove exclusions.

  3. Add an exclusion > File > Choose NosByte.dll

  4. Add an exclusion > Folder > Choose the whole NosByte Folder

Guide in different langauges

Runtimes and .NET you may need

If whitelisting does not help, then install this runtime and .NET Framework.

All in One Runtimes is compatible Windows 10. After clicking on the .exe file, the installation package is first unpacked. You can then select which packages should be installed. Download here: All in One Runtime

.NET Framework or .NET Core is used in games and applications running on Windows platforms to provide a variety of features and services. Download here: .NET 8.0

Restart you computer after install these runtimes and .NET framworks

Guide with pictures(old and WIP)

Last updated